Hello and welcome. The Church of England on the Isle of Man is working to cherish Creation and promote biodiversity.
This website is for individuals, churches and groups looking for information about the environment and climate heating, and in particular how churches and church buildings can get to net zero carbon by 2030.

Action to protect the environment can start at home and there are just so many things we can do. Here is a list for starters! We can only do what we can do, but what we do does matter.

The Church of England is committed to being net zero carbon by 2030. A big challenge but there are already churches that have achieved this. Becoming an EcoChurch is a helpful way to start thinking about the environment and moving along the path towards net zero. Find someone in your church community to be EcoRep and help think about and act for the environment. Click on Net Zero Carbon above. An example of an initiative promoting biodiversity is Caring for God’s Acre. Green Christian offers green insights that you may find helpful.

As part of our community, we all share the benefits and costs of the way in which we live. The climate emergency demands that we change how we live, moving away from consumerism and from a growth focused model of economy. With the We Care campaign, we will share our commitment to a more environmentally sensitive future.

This is what it’s all about, the huge and relentless rise in the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide. By all of us acting to reduce our carbon footprints and change the behaviour of our governments, we can reduce the severity of climate breakdown.